No one should go through difficulties of life alone. Psychosocial Education Initiative trained volunteers will create a supporting environment of specialty groups for common disorders, or life encounters.

Support Groups
Psychosocial Education Initiative trained volunteers will facilitate specialty groups, free of charge. You would not have to go through your difficulties alone. Support groups starts with at least 4 participants to Maximum 8 participants at the time.
Individual Support
Opportunity to talk one on one with trained professional or experienced volunteers.
Speaker Series
Psychosocial Education Initiative provide trained speakers to community groups, Civic groups, or other private or public organizations to educate and inform about the unresolved issues on different aspects of life.To request speaker engagement please Click Here to email us
Volunteer Training
Volunteers are required 20 hours of training in addition to 2 hours’ commitment per week for one year.
Parenting Support Groups
Parenting support groups for the parents of toddlers, Teenagers, and older children.
Divorce Support Groups
Support groups for Male and Female participants. Separate group settings for individuals pre or post-divorce.
Substance Abuse Support Groups
Support groups for individuals struggling with substance abuse; using the 12 steps programs with Clinical concentration. Also, families who have family members affected with substance abuse or Alcoholism.
Grief and Loss Support Group
Psychosocial Education Initiative trained volunteers will facilitate specialty groups, free of charge. You would not have to go through your difficulties alone.
Anger Management Support Groups
Psychosocial Education Initiative trained volunteers will facilitate specialty groups, free of charge. You would not have to go through your difficulties alone.
Biography writing Groups
Psychosocial Education Initiative trained volunteers will facilitate specialty groups, free of charge. You would not have to go through your difficulties alone.